New Hot Y15B Color LED Touch Screen Tws earbuds ANC Wireless Headphone Black ENC Bluetooth Gaming Headset
Model: Y15B (ANC+ENC) tws earbuds
JL 7003D8 in-ear + built-in sliding + ANC noise reduction
Charging case battery: 300 mAh plus protective board
Headphone battery: 30 mAh
13MM noise reduction speaker
Warehouse function:
1. Playback interface
2. Volume addition and subtraction
3. Noise reduction interface: noise reduction switch/transparency switch
4. Equalizer interface
5. Alarm clock interface
6. Screen brightness
7. Switch between 16 Chinese and English languages
8. Lock screen wallpaper
9. Looking for LR ear interface
10. Time setting interface
11. Douyin like interface
12. Photo interface
13. Lighting interface
14. Interfaces 1-13 can cycle through the sliding interface.
1; Chinese, 2; English, 3; Traditional, 4; Japanese, 5; Russian, 6; German, 7; Korean, 8; French, 9; Turkish, 10; Arabic, 11; Portuguese, 12; Spain Chinese, 13; Vietnamese, 14; Thai, 15; Malay, 16; Italian